Sin Cos Tan

Updated: 29 October 2020 06:23:00 AM

Sin Cos Tan Values In trigonometry, sin cos and tan values are the primary functions we consider while solving trigonometric problems. These trigonometry values are used to measure the angles and sides of a right-angle triangle. Apart from sine, cosine and tangent values, the other three major values are cotangent, secant and cosecant. `sin theta =y/r` `cos theta =x/r` `tan theta =y/x` Notice that we are still defining. Sin θ as `'opp'/'hyp'`; cos θ as `'adj'/'hyp'`,. Tan θ as `'opp'/'adj'`, but we are using the specific x-, y- and r-values defined by the point (x, y) that the terminal side passes through. We can choose any point on that line, of course, to define our. The other four trigonometric functions (tan, cot, sec, csc) can be defined as quotients and reciprocals of sin and cos, except where zero occurs in the denominator. It can be proved, for real arguments, that these definitions coincide with elementary geometric definitions if the argument is regarded as an angle given in radians.

sin cos and tan are basically just functions that relate an angle with a ratio of two sides in a right triangle. Cos is adjacent over hypotenuse. And tan is opposite over adjacent, which means tan is sin/cos.

Consequently, what does Sin Cos Tan equal?

The tangent of x is defined to be its sine divided by its cosine: tan x = sin x cos x . The cotangent of x is defined to be the cosine of x divided by the sine of x: cot x = cos x sin x .

Sin, cos and tan Before we can use trigonometric relationships we need to understand how to correctly label a right-angled triangle. There are three labels we will use: Hypotenuse - The longest.

In view of this, what is the relationship between sin and tan?

Sine Function:sin(θ) = Opposite / Hypotenuse
Cosine Function:cos(θ) = Adjacent / Hypotenuse
Tangent Function:tan(θ) = Opposite / Adjacent

Similarly, what is cos and sin in math?

Sine and cosine - a.k.a., sin(θ) and cos(θ) - are functions revealing the shape of a right triangle. Looking out from a vertex with angle θ, sin(θ) is the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse , while cos(θ) is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse .

Related questions and answers

What is the ratio of tan?

Use tangent ratio to calculate angles and sides (Tan = a o )
Tangent ratio is the ratio of opposite side to adjacent side of a right triangle. Same as the sine and cosine ratios, tangent ratios can be used to calculate the angles and sides of right angle triangles.

What is trigonometry formula?

Basic Trigonometric Function Formulas
By using a right-angled triangle as a reference, the trigonometric functions or identities are derived: sin θ = Opposite Side/Hypotenuse. cos θ = Adjacent Side/Hypotenuse. tan θ = Opposite Side/Adjacent Side.

Who invented trigonometry?

The first trigonometric table was apparently compiled by Hipparchus of Nicaea (180 – 125 BCE), who is now consequently known as 'the father of trigonometry.' Hipparchus was the first to tabulate the corresponding values of arc and chord for a series of angles.

What is the formula for a 45 45 90 Triangle?

A 45°-45°-90° triangle is a special right triangle that has two 45-degree angles and one 90-degree angle. The side lengths of this triangle are in the ratio of; Side 1: Side 2: Hypotenuse = n: n: n√2 = 1:1: √2. The 45°-45°-90° right triangle is half of a square.

Does 5 12 and 13 make a right triangle?

Yes, a right triangle can have side lengths 5, 12, and 13. To determine if sides of length 5, 12, and 13 units can make up the sides of a right

Are all isosceles triangles 30 60 90?

This is an isosceles right triangle. The other triangle is named a 30-60-90 triangle, where the angles in the triangle are 30 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees.
45-45-90 and 30-60-90 Triangles.

Does 4 5 6 make right triangles?

The three numbers 4, 5, 6 make a Pythagorean Triple (they could be the sides of a right triangle).

How is sin calculated?

In a right triangle, the sine of an angle is the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse. In any right triangle, the sine of an angle x is the length of the opposite side (O) divided by the length of the hypotenuse (H).

How do you solve A2 B2 C2?

The formula is A2 + B2 = C2, this is as simple as one leg of a triangle squared plus another leg of a triangle squared equals the hypotenuse squared.

What is Tan used to find?

In any right triangle, the tangent of an angle is the length of the opposite side (O) divided by the length of the adjacent side (A). In a formula, it is written simply as 'tan'.

Which of the following are true statements about a 30 60 90 Triangle?

Answer Expert Verified
A 30-60-90 triangle is a right triangle with one leg equal to x, the other leg equal to 2x and the hypotenuse equal to x*sqrt(3). So, there you see that the longer leg is twice as long as the shorter leg (option D) and the hypotenuse is sqrt(3) times as long as the shorter leg (option F).

Does 9 12 and 15 make a right triangle?

The three sides 9 in, 12 in, and 15 in do represent a right triangle. Since the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, this is a right triangle.

What are the basics of trigonometry?

There are six trigonometric ratios, sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant and cotangent. These six trigonometric ratios are abbreviated as sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot. These are referred to as ratios since they can be expressed in terms of the sides of a right-angled triangle for a specific angle θ.

How do you find a 30 60 90 Triangle?

In any 30-60-90 triangle, you see the following: The shortest leg is across from the 30-degree angle, the length of the hypotenuse is always double the length of the shortest leg, you can find the long leg by multiplying the short leg by the square root of 3.

Is this a right triangle?

A triangle can be determined to be a right triangle if the side lengths are known. If the lengths satisfy the Pythagorean Theorem (a2+b2=c2) then it is a right triangle.

What is SOH CAH TOA?

'SOHCAHTOA' is a helpful mnemonic for remembering the definitions of the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent i.e., sine equals opposite over hypotenuse, cosine equals adjacent over hypotenuse, and tangent equals opposite over adjacent, (1) (2) (3) Other mnemonics include.

What are the 2 types of special right triangles?

  • 45°; 45°; 90° Triangle.
  • 30°; 60°; 90° Triangle.

What are the side lengths of a 30 60 90?

A 30-60-90 triangle is a special right triangle whose angles are 30º, 60º, and 90º. The triangle is special because its side lengths are always in the ratio of 1: √3:2. Any triangle of the form 30-60-90 can be solved without applying long-step methods such as the Pythagorean Theorem and trigonometric functions.

How do you find the sides of a 30 60 90 Triangle?

  1. Short side (opposite the 30 degree angle) = x.
  2. Hypotenuse (opposite the 90 degree angle) = 2x.
  3. Long side (opposite the 60 degree angle) = x√3.

Who is father of trigonometry?

Hipparchus of Nicaea (/hɪˈpɑːrkəs/; Greek: Ἵππαρχος, Hipparkhos; c. 190 – c. 120 BC) was a Greek astronomer, geographer, and mathematician. He is considered the founder of trigonometry but is most famous for his incidental discovery of precession of the equinoxes.

What are the 3 trigonometric ratios?

There are three basic trigonometric ratios: sine , cosine , and tangent . Given a right triangle, you can find the sine (or cosine, or tangent) of either of the non- 90° angles.

What is the 30 60 90 Triangle rule?

Tips for Remembering the 30-60-90 Rules
Remembering the 30-60-90 triangle rules is a matter of remembering the ratio of 1: √3 : 2, and knowing that the shortest side length is always opposite the shortest angle (30°) and the longest side length is always opposite the largest angle (90°).

How do you do special right triangles?

Step 1: This is a right triangle with two equal sides so it must be a 45°-45°-90° triangle. Step 2: You are given that the both the sides are 3. If the first and second value of the ratio x:x:x√2 is 3 then the length of the third side is 3√2. Answer: The length of the hypotenuse is 3√2 inches.

The basic trigonometric functions include the following (6) functions: sine (left(sin xright),) cosine (left(cos xright),) tangent (left(tan xright),) cotangent (left(cot xright),) secant (left(sec xright)) and cosecant (left(csc xright).)

All these functions are continuous and differentiable in their domains. Below we make a list of derivatives for these functions.

Derivatives of Basic Trigonometric Functions

We have already derived the derivatives of sine and cosine on the Definition of the Derivative page. They are as follows:

[{{left( {sin x} right)^prime } = cos x,;;}kern-0.3pt{{left( {cos x} right)^prime } = – sin x.}]

Using the quotient rule it is easy to obtain an expression for the derivative of tangent:

{{left( {tan x} right)^prime } }={ {left( {frac{{sin x}}{{cos x}}} right)^prime } }
= {frac{{{{left( {sin x} right)}^prime }cos x – sin x{{left( {cos x} right)}^prime }}}{{{{cos }^2}x}} }
= {frac{{cos x cdot cos x – sin x cdot left( { – sin x} right)}}{{{{cos }^2}x}} }
= {frac{{{{cos }^2}x + {{sin }^2}x}}{{{{cos }^2}x}} }
= {frac{1}{{{{cos }^2}x}}.}

Sin Cos Tan Table

The derivative of cotangent can be found in the same way. However, this can be also done using the chain rule for differentiating a composite function:

{{left( {cot x} right)^prime } = {left( {frac{1}{{tan x}}} right)^prime } }
= { – frac{1}{{{{tan }^2}x}} cdot {left( {tan x} right)^prime } }
= { – frac{1}{{frac{{{{sin }^2}x}}{{{{cos }^2}x}}}} cdot frac{1}{{{{cos }^2}x}} }
= { – frac{cancel{{{cos }^2}x}}{{{{sin }^2}x cdot cancel{{{cos }^2}x}}} }
= { – frac{1}{{{{sin }^2}x}}.}

Similarly, we find the derivatives of secant and cosecant:

{{left( {sec x} right)^prime } = {left( {frac{1}{{cos x}}} right)^prime } }
= { – frac{1}{{{{cos }^2}x}} cdot {left( {cos x} right)^prime } }
= {frac{{sin x}}{{{{cos }^2}x}} }
= {frac{{sin x}}{{cos x}} cdot frac{1}{{cos x}} }
= {tan xsec x,}

{{left( {csc x} right)^prime } = {left( {frac{1}{{sin x}}} right)^prime } }
= { – frac{1}{{{{sin }^2}x}} cdot {left( {sin x} right)^prime } }
= {-frac{{cos x}}{{{{sin }^2}x}} }
= {-frac{{cos x}}{{sin x}} cdot frac{1}{{sin x}} }
= {-cot xcsc x.}

Sin cos tan csc sec cotSin

Table of Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions

The table below summarizes the derivatives of (6) basic trigonometric functions:

In the examples below, find the derivative of the given function.

Solved Problems

Click or tap a problem to see the solution.

Example 2

[y = tan x + frac{1}{3}{tan ^3}x]

Example 4

[y = frac{1}{{{{cos }^n}x}}]

Example 6

[y = {cos ^2}sin x]

Example 8

[y = {sin ^2}sqrt x ]

Example 10

[y = {sin ^3}x + {cos ^3}x]

Example 11

[y = tan frac{x}{2} – cot frac{x}{2}]

Example 12

[y = {x^2}sin x + 2xcos x – 2sin x]

Example 14

[y = {sin ^n}xcos nx]

Example 15

[y = ln sqrt {{frac{{1 – sin x}}{{1 + sin x}}}}]

Example 16

Calculate the derivative of the function [y = left( {2 – {x^2}} right)cos x + 2xsin x] at (x = pi.)

Example 17

Calculate the derivative of the function [y = left( {x + 1} right)cos x + left( {x + 2} right)sin x] at (x = 0.)

Example 18

[y = {sec ^2}{frac{x}{2}} + {csc ^2}{frac{x}{2}}]

Example 19

[{y = {left( {tan x} right)^{cos x}},;;;}kern0pt{text{where};;0 lt x lt frac{pi }{2}.}]

Example 20

[y = frac{{{{sin }^2}x}}{{1 + cot x}} + frac{{{{cos }^2}x}}{{1 + tan x}}]

Sin Cos Tan Chart


Using the linear properties of the derivative, the chain rule and the double angle formula, we obtain:

{y’left( x right) }={ {left( {cos 2x – 2sin x} right)^prime } }
= {{left( {cos 2x} right)^prime } – {left( {2sin x} right)^prime } }
= {left( { – sin 2x} right) cdot {left( {2x} right)^prime } – 2{left( {sin x} right)^prime } }
= { – 2sin 2x – 2cos x }
= { – 4sin xcos x – 2cos x }
= { – 2cos xleft( {2sin x + 1} right).}

Example 2.

[y = tan x + frac{1}{3}{tan ^3}x]


The derivative of this function is

{y’left( x right) }={ {left( {tan x + frac{1}{3}{{tan }^3}x} right)^prime } }
= {{left( {tan x} right)^prime } + {left( {frac{1}{3}{{tan }^3}x} right)^prime } }
= {frac{1}{{{{cos }^2}x}} + frac{1}{3} cdot 3{tan ^2}x cdot {left( {tan x} right)^prime } }
= {frac{1}{{{{cos }^2}x}} + {tan ^2}x cdot frac{1}{{{{cos }^2}x}} }
= {frac{{1 + {{tan }^2}x}}{{{{cos }^2}x}}.}

The numerator can be simplified using the trigonometric identity

{1 + {tan^2}x = {sec ^2}x }
= {frac{1}{{{{cos }^2}x}}.}


{y’left( x right) }={ frac{{1 + {{tan }^2}x}}{{{{cos }^2}x}} }
= {frac{{frac{1}{{{{cos }^2}x}}}}{{{{cos }^2}x}} }
= {frac{1}{{{{cos }^4}x}} }
= {{sec ^4}x.}

Example 3.

[y = cos x – {frac{1}{3}}{cos ^3}x]


Using the power rule and the chain rule, we get

[{y^prime = left( {cos x – frac{1}{3}{{cos }^3}x} right)^prime }={ left( {cos x} right)^prime – left( {frac{1}{3}{{cos }^3}x} right)^prime }={ – sin x – frac{1}{3} cdot 3{cos ^2}x cdot left( {cos x} right)^prime }={ – sin x – {cos ^2}x cdot left( { – sin x} right) }={ – sin x + {cos ^2}xsin x }={ – sin xleft( {1 – {{cos }^2}x} right) }={ – sin x,{sin ^2}x }={ – {sin ^3}x.}]


We find the derivative of this function using the power rule and the chain rule:

{y’left( x right) = {left( {frac{1}{{{{cos }^n}x}}} right)^prime } }
= {{left[ {{{left( {cos x} right)}^{ – n}}} right]^prime } }
= { – n{left( {cos x} right)^{ – n – 1}} cdot {left( {cos x} right)^prime } }
= { – n{left( {cos x} right)^{ – n – 1}} cdot left( { -sin x} right) }
= {frac{{nsin x}}{{{{cos }^{n + 1}}x}}.}

Here we assume that (cos x ne 0), that is (x ne {largefrac{pi }{2}normalsize} + pi n,) (n in mathbb{Z}.)

Example 5.

[y = {frac{{sin x}}{{1 + cos x}}}]


By the quotient rule,

[require{cancel}{y^prime = left( {frac{{sin x}}{{1 + cos x}}} right)^prime }={ frac{{cos x left( {1 + cos x} right) – sin x cdot left( { – sin x} right)}}{{{{left( {1 + cos x} right)}^2}}} }={ frac{{cos x + {{cos }^2}x + {{sin }^2}x}}{{{{left( {1 + cos x} right)}^2}}} }={ frac{cancel{1 + cos x}}{{{{left( {1 + cos x} right)}^cancel{2}}}} }={ frac{1}{{1 + cos x}}.}]


Applying the power rule and the chain rule, we obtain:

{y’left( x right) = {left( {{{cos }^2}sin x} right)^prime } }
= {2cos sin x cdot {left( {cos sin x} right)^prime } }
= {2cos sin x cdot left( { – sinsin x} right) cdot}kern0pt{ {left( {sin x} right)^prime } }
= { – 2cos sin x cdot sin sin x cdot}kern0pt{ cos x.}

Sin Cos Tan Examples

The last expression can be simplified by the double angle formula:

{2cos sin x cdot sin sin x }
= {sin left( {2sin x} right).}

Consequently, the derivative is

[{y’left( x right) }={ – sin left( {2sin x} right)cos x.}]

Example 7.

[y = xsin x + cos x]


Using the product rule, we can write:

[{y^prime = left( {xsin x + cos x} right)^prime }={ left( {xsin x} right)^prime + left( {cos x} right)^prime }={ x^primesin x + xleft( {sin x} right)^prime + left( {cos x} right)^prime }={ 1 cdot sin x + x cdot cos x + left( { – sin x} right) }={ cancel{sin x} + xcos x – cancel{sin x} }={ xcos x.}]

Sin Cos Tan Triangle

Problems 1-7

Unit Circle Sin Cos Tan

Problems 8-20