Nothing But The Truth Avi

Philip Malloy: the fourteen year old protagonist talented runner and average student with tenancy toward irrelevance.

Philip Malloy: the fourteen year old protagonist talented runner and average student with tenancy toward irrelevance. Margaret Narwin: Philip's veteran homeroom and English teacher; dedicated and compassionate, but a bit old fashioned. Anticipation Guide for Nothing But the Truth by Avi Name: Date. View PDF THE ORIGIN OF FUTURISM.pdf - White Horse Media View PDF open letter to Richard (PDF) - An open letter to Richard Gage. View PDF 2 Corinthians - Commentary Second Epistle to.

Margaret Narwin: Philip's veteran homeroom and English teacher; dedicated and compassionate, but a bit old fashioned.

Mr. Lunser: Is Philip's homeroom teacher who tends to a rush a bit and is kinda strict.

Dr. Doane: Harrison High's principal, who is pretty calm most of the time and takes the anthem seriously.

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Allison Dorsett: She is kind of a serious person, who doesn't seem to joke around a lot, she thinks Philip is a little weird.

Dr. Joseph Palleni: He seems like a pretty formal person, and also nice.

Dr. Albert Seymour: He is a straightforward type of guy who doesn't like to exaggerate a lot. He seems like he knows what he is doing and he acts in charge, recognizing his place as superintendent.

Mike: Is Philip's friend who is in his class and also on his track team.

Sarah Gloss: A girl in Philip's class who is pretty nice to Philip.

Philip's Dad/Mr Malloy: He loves seafood and he is nice to Philip. He is a good parent and he is pretty proud of Philip, and he is sort of a understanding kind of guy.

Steve Hallick: He is a guy on Philip's track team who is a really good runner and Philip wanted to be like him.

Coach Jamison: Coach Jamison is a very nice and welcoming guy, who is always nice to Philip and everyone else, even when telling bad news. He follows the rules and is a truthful person.

Ken Barchet: A curious kid in Philip's grade.

Lisa Gibbons: A student in Philip's school.

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Gloria: A student in Philip's school.

Joseph R. Rippens: A student in Philip's school.

Mr. Benison: A energetic teacher who likes to talk a lot.

Nothing But The Truth Avi Pdf

Todd Becker: Philip's friend who is on his track team.

Roger Sanchez: A student in Philip's school.

Mr. Lunser: A teacher that that thinks Philip is a good kid.

Nothing But The Truth Avi

Janet Barsky: Allison's friend.

Mr. Dexter: Philip's dad's boss, who is strict with rules and takes no excuses.

Mr. Griffen: He is running for board at Philip's school.

Ms. Stewart: She works for the Manchester Record and is interviewing Mr. Griffin and Philip about his problems at school.

Jake Barlow: Jake is a really talkative radio talk show host who is lively and straightforward.

Steve: Steve is a caller on Jake's talk show who is kinda jittery when he talks and he has a very energetic personality.

Liz: Liz is another caller on Jake's talk show who is a mom and she likes to follow rules.

Mrs. Harland: Mrs. Harland is a chairman on the school board who is a good at re-enforcing rules.

Mr. Duval: Mr. Duval is a curious news reporter who is a pretty formal person when it comes to his job.

Roger: Roger is another caller on Jake's talk show who is kind of a serious guy.

Mrs. Rooney: Is a teacher at Philip's new school Washington academy.

George Brookover: Is the principal at Washington academy.

Chapter 11 Summary

The first section Philip starts humming to the National Anthem again and Miss Narwin gets mad and sends him out of the room. The second part Philip talks with Dr. Palleni about his humming and Philip asks to get his homeroom changed but doesn't get his wish. Third section Philip's dad and his boss are talking about an issue Mr. Malloy made. Miss Narwin and Dr. Doane talk about getting Margaret a new, better teaching spot. Forth part Mr. Malloy and his wife talk about how he got in trouble with his work boss. The fifth section Philip and his parents discuss how he got in trouble again for humming the Anthem. The sixth part Margaret writes to her sister about how it is good to have another teachers support. The seventh and last section Philip tells how his parents are different than most because they do stick up for him.