Gentoo It Seems Your Ruby Installation Is Missing Psych

Don’t get the wrong idea; I’m not actually writing this in RubyFrontier from within Ruby 1.9.3. RubyFrontier isn’t ready for Ruby 1.9! But in order for RubyFrontier ever to have even a chance of becoming ready for Ruby 1.9, clearly I would sooner or later have to install Ruby 1.9.

  1. It seems your ruby installation is missing psych (for YAML output). To eliminate this warning, please install libyaml and reinstall your ruby. I use Mac os X 10.7 (Lion). How to solve this problem?
  2. Also experiencing this issue on gentoo. The command @bbck mentioned worked for me with a minor correction. Note, use full paths in place of /. It seems your ruby.
  3. RubyはHomebrewで入れた; libyamlはHomebrewで入れた; rubyがバージョン毎にいくつか入っていた。 2.0系2つの内1つをメインで使っていた; 2.1.1を最近インストールしたが使ってはいない。 エラー内容 $ gem -version と打つも以下の様エラーが表示された。.

Question or issue on macOS:

I used rvm to install ruby 1.9.3. even though it was successfully installed, it complained about libyaml. and now every time i wanna install a gem (say rails) this warning shows up:

I use Mac os X 10.7 (Lion).

How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

Gentoo It Seems Your Ruby Installation Is Missing Psychology

In my case


solved the problem.

For people using Ubuntu, make sure that libtool is installed prior to the steps above:

For macOS users (with homebrew):

Solution no. 2:

for ubuntu and rvm


Solution no. 3:

If not using rvm, but rather you are building and installing ruby 1.9.3 from scratch — for example, you’re managing your ruby versions with rbenv — you must install libyaml first. Get it from; at the moment, the file you want is Open the tarball and cd into the resulting folder. Then:

You are now ready to build ruby. Download ruby from Open the tarball and cd into the resulting folder. Now:

(Or possibly sudo make install, depending on where you’re putting it.) If using rbenv, you’ll know it has worked if you switch to rbenv global 1.9.3-p194 (or whatever your version is called) and gem --version works without a warning. That worked for me on Mac OS X 10.6.8. (Update: I just tried this on Mac OS X 10.8.1 and it seems to have worked fine there too.)

Solution no. 4:


Is what worked for me (on Snow Leopard).

Solution no. 5:

In my case the solution was to add the psych gem to the Gemfile.

Solution no. 6:

I had this problem. libyaml wouldn’t compile. It turns out I was missing libtool.

That solved my problem.

Solution no. 7:

If you have installed ruby on macOS with homebrew, try this solution.

Gentoo It Seems Your Ruby Installation Is Missing Psychiatrist

rm -rf /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/ && brew reinstall ruby

Gentoo It Seems Your Ruby Installation Is Missing Psychological

Note that this will get rid of all installed gems. Best save a list of installed gems with gem list before you run this.


Solution no. 8:

Solution no. 9:

I got this fixed finally. The issue was that even though I installed libyaml with brew, it was never linked. I had to remove a conflicting header file and then brew link libyaml.

Solution no. 10:

Installing ruby with rvm for mac osx, use autolibs to install libyaml and first uninstalling libyaml helps.

Gentoo It Seems Your Ruby Installation Is Missing Psychic

This worked for me:

Hope this helps!

Hi all,

Having successfully installed 5.6 on Ubuntu a few weeks ago I had to wipe that server and reinstall it with CentOS 7. I then followed the instructions to install Opennebula 5.8 using the repositories.
Installing the ON stuff using yum(1) went fine but the ‘install_gems’ script fails with:

1: from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in require' /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:inrequire’: cannot load such file – zlib (LoadError)

ZLib itself is already installed:

# yum list installed | grep -i zlib
perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib.x86_64 1:2.061-4.el7 @anaconda
zlib.x86_64 1.2.7-18.el7 @base
zlib-devel.x86_64 1.2.7-18.el7 @base

So I don’t know what’s causing the problem. Can you give me some pointers?
